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Take action this week

Because I just never can shut up about global AIDS...

The US government has pledged to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria up to one third of its total allocation. This year, the US portion is $700 million. Congress so far has only appropriated $450 million. An additional $100 million is already included in the Labor-HHS spending bill, but hasn’t been approved, and the balance must come from emergency spending.

The Global Fund needs at least $250 million more from the US to continue its work and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist can make it happen.

The Global Fund is a community-based, effective, and transparent organization committed to eradicating three of the world’s deadliest diseases. The Global Fund is currently supporting local initiatives in 127 countries around the world.

What you can do:

Tell Senator Frist to support $250 million more for the Global Fund in 2006.

1. Call (202) 224 – 3344

2. Leave a message with the following information:

• Your name and where you are calling from

• Why global AIDS is important to you

• Urge Senator Frist to support $250 million more for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria before the end of the year .

Thank you for taking time to make a difference! This call in day is part of a national week of action (November 14-18). To learn more, visit www.fightglobalaids.org.

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