Public Health Geeks
Things that happen at the school of public health:
You reach into a pocket of your backpack and a condom falls out because you can't seem to walk into the building without getting handed a free one.
The student government president gets elected on a campaign to provide more free...carrots.
People stay at school until 11 pm just so they won't have to pay for parking. It's not a lucrative field, shall we say.
You're having a sophisticated evening out and the conversation turns to poop, and/or sexually transmitted diseases, and/or the coming plague.
People ask you where, not if, you did Peace Corps.
People don't use hand sanitizer because they're afraid of antimicrobial resistance, and they throw away perfectly good food because they're afraid of food poisoning. Basically, we're terrified of bacteria.
Everyone laughs heartily at jokes that include the words "p-value".
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